Ordinary is the new extra-ordinary!
Extra-ordinary is about looking out
Ordinary is about looking in
Extra-ordinary is about doing something special
Ordinary is about being special
Extra-ordinary is about knowing and concluding
Ordinary is about embracing not knowing and experimenting
Ordinary is the new extra-ordinary
Extra-ordinary goals are based on success defined by others
Ordinary goals are based on your own definition of success
Extra-ordinary goals need lot of planning and stress you out
Ordinary goals are achieved with spontaneity and makes you come alive
Extra-ordinary goals are narrow and validation oriented
Ordinary goals are inclusive and based on values
Ordinary is the new extra-ordinary
Extra-ordinary is rooted in dreams
Ordinary is rooted in reality
Extra-ordinary aspirations are never ending
Ordinary aspirations are fulfilling
Extra-ordinary is about outcomes
Ordinary is about process
Ordinary is the new extra-ordinary
Mind wants to be extra-ordinary
Heart wants to be ordinary
Extra-ordinary wants to become somebody
Ordinary wants to be nobody
When head binds you; heart makes you free
Let’s start the journey back from head to heart
Ordinary is the new extra-ordinary