Five angels you have always around you!

Sachin Gupta
3 min readNov 7, 2020


Image credit to Lucas Meier on Unsplash

God is quite smart to sprinkle angels all around in this world, so that people do not have to blindly faith in Him. Unfortunately many of us do not recognize our dealings with angels very clearly and crisply. If you are saying to yourself that you do not believe in these things, ask yourself if you have seen any magic happening in your life? Just to simplify what magic means, have you noticed anything in your life which has changed the direction of your life. Infact in my own reflection there are two kinds of responses to this enquiry, first one is about few handful of key events which define as the turning point in my life like marriage, moving to different city etc and second, it is about small day to day events which is changing life in small but meaningful way.

When I deep dive into these bigger and smaller events, in both cases, what I see, is my encounters with special people who makes all the difference. Though these special people are look just ordinary beings playing different roles in our life, when seen carefully, they are no short of “angels” being there at the right place at the right time. Here are few instances of angels I see all around me every day with a simple classification of them, just to make it easier to see them.

Loving Angel

Love comes in many shapes, forms, degrees and sizes. However a simple definition of love could be “a non-judgmental space to be yourself”. If you have someone who provides you this space, you are blessed and should be grateful to them. In fact, we can be equally grateful for those who are not so loving as it is a great opportunity for us to offer them this space.

Learning Angel

When someone is doing anything right, obviously we can learn from them. But if someone is doing anything wrong, they can be equally strong teacher. It all depends on our own curiosity to seek and see what can be learned.

Helping Angel

One biggest strength can be to take help. When you become conscious about it and freely seek help, there is no dearth of helping angels in this world.

One time Angel

These are special angels whom you meet only once in life like at the airport or say taxi drivers while travelling and something in them or they say touched you deeply.

Being Angel

Finally these are the angels you pass by daily like your watchman, street vendor or someone you observe at the red light. Because you don’t get an opportunity to talk to them, you could just borrow some of their great beingness and give it forward to someone else.

“I could not have made it this far had there not been angels along the way.” — Della Reese

With that, let me ask you another simple question, do you know anyone who is not an angel in your life?



Sachin Gupta
Sachin Gupta

Written by Sachin Gupta

My motto is to learn and help as much as possible. I learn, listen and observe. I am interested in understanding life, human nature and relationships.

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