Why our view of how life works keeps changing?So many philosophers across generations have tried to define what life means, what good life means, how life works and so on. We can read…Jan 18Jan 18
Unmask the psychology of a Narcissist and make yourself freeUnlike many other mental conditions like depression etc, it seems there is not much of scientific research on how a person becomes a…Jul 27, 20241Jul 27, 20241
Both absolute and relative learnings from Yoga Sutras are importantYama and Niyama seen from both sidesJan 7, 2024Jan 7, 2024
Why simply smiling is a big contribution to the society!A joyful person becomes like a magnet and attracts everyone. Krishna was one such personality, all attractive. We all have potential to…Dec 24, 2023Dec 24, 2023
Why cleaning the mind is like bathing an infant!Have you experienced bathing an infant anytime? You will know that it’s an uphill task as you have to calm the child and distract her by…Dec 24, 2023Dec 24, 2023
Midlife crisis is an opportunity to learn letting go!Midlife crisis is a normal life stage which many of us go through between the age of 40 and 55. It generally gets triggered because of some…Oct 20, 2023Oct 20, 2023
Life can be made simple but not easyI recently attended a 6-week long program with Arjun Som which he named “Life made simple (LMS)”. It was a small group of wonderful seekers…Jul 8, 2023Jul 8, 2023
Stagnancy is a mindset and not your circumstance.Mental fatigue is at all-time high. Economic impact because of the pandemic has been devastating for many.Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023
Three take-away’s from a blog writing workshop which can set you apart from beginners!Have you always wonder why there are few readers of your blogs despite of you putting so much ink, sweat and soul into your articles?Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023